Thursday, September 13, 2012

Follow through- it's not a dance move.

Hate. Disappointment. Loathing. Disgust. Rage. Annoyance. Irritation. Enter more words along these lines here ------> This is how I'm feeling about the neurologist at the moment. You know... the one that was going to personally call me back last week with all this new information, new direction, a few tests to get done to rule out a few systemic ailments before I hop on that plane for my now postponed surgery? I bet you a dollar you already know if he's called or not.
Has anyone ever seen this:

As a former person of the education field I got my ass chewed for not responding to emails, phone calls, homing pigeons, flares, texts, hieroglyphics, and the sort within 24 hours. We expect a level of professionalism from the drive-thru cashier at McDonald's for crying out loud. Why do you think we check the bag before we drive away?!? Because we expect our orders to be complete and correct!

How is this any different from when doctors are withholding information from you? How is this any different from when they practically pinkie promise to call you back personally? It's been one full week since he said "I'll call you personally." It's been 72 hours since I called and left a message at his office. Why is it that I'm treated like an ass when I demand the same level of service from him as I do my drive-thru cashier? I'm supposed to go in there in person and tell them again again "HEY! I'm a human being and I have a life! I've had a fever for a year, green shit for a year, and a promise of some direction that was supposed to happen LAST WEEK!" Guess who looks like the ass? Him for dropping the ball multiple times, or me for forcing them to do their job? I bet you another dollar you know that answer to that question too.

 I fear the day that I'm no longer pissed. I fear the day the inner tiger dies. I'm still drained, still hitting that brick wall every day, still needing another 3K for surgery, still hoping that it will deliver me back to normalcy... but man... once that inner drive and tiger have laid to rest, I'm fairly certain that it will be impossible to come back. Sometimes people just have to say 'enough is enough' and hang up their boxing gloves. Nothing in life is easy right? But who says it has to be such a fight? All those years in dance lessons and I've never heard of the follow-thru move. So it must be something else.

My point in writing is to let you all know that I'm still here... I've not given up hope, though I'm certainly very tired... I'm waiting and not tolerating it well, and to remind you all of a simple life lesson... If you say that you're going to do something, DO IT. You never know the impact that it will have on others.

Even tho I've postponed my surgery, I'm still going to follow through with it. And I still need your help getting there. And if you see me tomorrow with steam blasting out of my ears, flames shooting out of my eyeballs, and I'm grasping a jar of honey, please know that I'm talking myself into the 'easier to catch flies with honey' nonsense and on my way to the neurologists office.